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Human Resources

2016 Appraisal Round


2016 Appraisal Round starts Tuesday 3 May

The appraisal round for 2016 will run from Tuesday 3 May to Friday 29 July. This is an important exercise that encourages useful conversations on individual progress around work goals as well as personal development.

All colleagues should have an appraisal, except those on probation and clinical staff on Honorary Consultant Contracts (who therefore have a joint appraisal process with the appropriate NHS trust).

Please use the e-appraisal system to record appraisal conversations. Don’t forget to complete the process by clicking ‘finalise’ – both appraiser and appraisee need to do this to indicate that they are both happy with the appraisal record, and to make sure accurate completion rates are submitted to the Appraisal Monitoring and Improvement Group and subsequently to Queen Mary Senior Executive (QMSE).

In addition, all appraisers will now be able to generate their own status reports for their teams using the e-appraisal system, so that they may target their efforts in encouraging completion.

Access to the e-appraisal system, along with guidance note, is available on the HR appraisal webpage

Training on how to use the system is also available to book via the Centre for Academic and Professional Development. Search for course code HR020.

For further information about the appraisal cycle, please contact your HR Partner.



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